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SG Cyber Youth

SG Cyber Youth

The Singapore Cyber Youth Programme (SG Cyber Youth) is a national initiative crafted to guide and inspire young minds on their journey into the realm of cybersecurity. In collaboration with industry and academic partners, CSA spearheads this program, reaching out to students from secondary to tertiary levels. It provides them with unique opportunities to explore cybersecurity as a career path, offering exposure to both technical knowledge and essential soft skills.

A notable facet of SG Cyber Youth is the Youth Cyber Exploration Programme (YCEP) boot camp, initiated by CSA in collaboration with Singapore Polytechnic in 2018. Expanding its reach, all five local polytechnics joined in 2019, hosting 400 students from over 30 secondary schools. The top 60 students from these boot camps participated in the inaugural YCEP Central Capture-the-flag (CTF) Competition on June 29, 2019. CSA’s vision is to extend the impact of YCEP, aiming to engage 10,000 youths over the next three years through training boot camps, competitions, learning journeys, and career mentoring sessions.

Integral components like the Student Volunteer & Recognition Programme, the Cybersecurity Career Mentoring Programme, and Cybersecurity Learning Journeys are all part of SG Cyber Youth. Students can anticipate more enriching learning journeys curated by CSA in collaboration with MOE and industry partners.

A novel addition to SG Cyber Youth is the SG Cyber Youth Odyssey, aligning with SG Cyber Talent’s programs under Foundational Enabler 2: Grow a Robust Talent Pipeline of the Singapore Cybersecurity Strategy 2021. This initiative targets youth, exciting and guiding them toward future careers in cybersecurity through training boot camps, competitions, learning journeys, career mentoring sessions, and school talks.

Stay tuned for upcoming announcements on new SG Cyber Youth initiatives designed to cultivate cybersecurity talent and foster community partnerships.