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CyberBoost is tailored for cybersecurity companies aiming to expand their business footprint in Singapore and the ASEAN region. Our mission is twofold: to empower founders to innovate successfully in the fiercely competitive cybersecurity landscape and to leverage distinctive opportunities in Asia. Through CyberBoost, participants gain access to invaluable resources, mentorship and networking opportunities, setting the stage for accelerated growth and success.

CyberBoost Build Programme

CyberBoost Build Programme is a well-structured 6-month initiative specifically targeting early-stage, homegrown, and innovative cybersecurity startups. Its primary objective is to assist these startups, founders and entrepreneurs in developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for commercialisation. This segment comprises of hothousing startups for 3 months, accompanied by an additional 6 months of venture support.

Who should apply?

Our programme is particularly suitable for companies that:

  • have an early stage product developed
  • are an incorporated business
  • founder, entrepreneurs, early-stage companies with the intention to incorporate in Singapore-based company
  • ideation stage and to build a minimum viable product
  • founders should be committed full-time to the company
  • plan to scale across Southeast and East Asia in the next one year

We accept companies from all over the world, but require all founders to participate in person, in Singapore, for the duration of the programme.


CyberBoost Catalyse Programme

CyberBoost Catalyse Programme on the other hand is a flexible 6-month initiative tailored to accelerate the growth of companies prepared to scale their cybersecurity solutions both in Singapore and globally. For its inaugural run in 2024, participating startups will kick-off with a 6-month Venture Support. This will be complemented by a 3-month exclusive and specialized cybersecurity training module.

Who should apply?

Our programme is particularly suitable for companies that:

  • Companies in seed round and above, with at least 5 employees
  • Companies should have the intention to incorporate in Singapore / be Singapore-based companies
  • Companies should be revenue-generating with at least 1 impactful case study
  • Product companies with innovation and USP
  • Can demonstrate a commitment to expand locally and internationally

We accept companies from all over the world, but require all founders to participate in person, in Singapore, for the duration of the programme.


Venture Support

Venture Support is part of the programme that welcomes promising companies that have established their readiness to scale. The Centre will collaborate with these companies to review their business expansion/growth plans, providing tailored support. Discussions and consultations will be held to connect these companies with relevant experts, mentors, partners, or stakeholders in the ecosystem. This bespoke experience allows companies to join relevant modules (by choice) in the Boost curriculum. Additionally, participation in community events will expand their network within the ecosystem.


The CyberCall initiative, first launched in 2018, seeks to catalyse the development of innovative cybersecurity solutions. Through this, CSA aims to strengthen organisations’ cyber resilience and at the same time provide opportunities for cybersecurity companies to contribute to the development of innovative solutions that shows potential to be applied in many organisations’ systems. Each selected solution that fulfils the eligibility criteria may receive a funding of up to S$1,000,000 under CSA’s Cybersecurity Co-Innovation and Development Fund (CCDF).

The Cybersecurity Industry Call for Innovation (CyberCall) enables companies to innovate on cybersecurity challenges put out by Critical Information Infrastructure and strategic stakeholders in Singapore. To uplift Singapore’s cybersecurity landscape, the CyberCall aims to:

  • Catalyse the development of innovative cybersecurity solutions to meet national cybersecurity and strategic needs.
  • Develop a vibrant local cybersecurity ecosystem through the building of advanced cybersecurity capabilities, as well as growing the pipeline of local talent.
  • Identify and articulate mid to long term cybersecurity challenges to encourage the trial and adoption of novel solutions.

Through this, CSA aims to strengthen the partners’ cybersecurity resilience, and catalyse the development of cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions in Singapore.