Athena Dynamics (A BH Global Company)

Company UEN Number
Company Website
Geographical Markets Served
China, France, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, United Kingdom
Industry Served
Data Centers
Energy & Chemical
Financial Services and Insurance
Marine & Offshore
Non - Profit/Charity
Professional Services
Public Sector
Sea Transport
Trade Associations & Chamber
Solution Categorisation
Detect-Anomalies and Events
Detect-Detection Processes
Detect-Security & Continuous Monitoring
Identify-Asset Management
Identify-Business Environment
Identify-Risk Assessment
Identify-Risk Management
Protect-Awareness & Training
Protect-Data Security
Protect-Information Protection & Procedures
Recovery-Recovery Planning
Respond-Response Planning
Company Description
A trusted Cyber Security Advisory company that focuses on game changing, disruptive IT & OT Cyber Protection Technologies
Going Beyond Security by Design, Fulfilling Security by Operational Practices.
Established in 2014, Athena Dynamics Pte Ltd (“Athena Dynamics”) sources and bridges game-changing, disruptive technologies to Singapore and the Asia Pacific region. Athena Dynamics has achieved strong tractions in cyber protection and has been awarded more than 300 projects in the protection of Critical Info-Infrastructures (CII) in the public and the private sectors. Alongside that, Athena Dynamics bagged 8 CII protection related awards, onboarded 5 large system integrators and official partners with live projects, and contributed to more than 250 invited industry speaking and papers on CII protection thought leadership and disruptive paradigms.
Athena Dynamics is a pure-play cyber security consulting arm of BH Global which is fully independent of any state-level relationship. This gives Athena Dynamics the full neutrality and trust of regional and global customers to assist with cyber protection of their Enterprise Information Technology platforms (IT), Industrial Control Operation Technology Systems (OT) and not least, Critical National Info-Infrastructures (CNII).
The Good Hackers’ Alliance (“gha”) formed by Athena Dynamics comprises of credible and ethical hacker groups with state-level competencies. gha has performed more than 100 vulnerability assessments for sensitive establishments, as well as recovery operations necessitated by cyber related breaches.
Product Description
As a consulting outfit that focuses on disruptive protection technologies, Athena Dynamics does not approach the industry with a product-centric approach. Instead, we listen, and advise on filling gaps which mainstream technologies could not fulfill with game-changing paradigms.
For a better understanding of disruptive methods, we would cite partial technologies deployed as follows:
1. Detection-less sanitization technologies to defense against the undetectable.
2. Binary SAST instead of Source SAST to cover vulnerabilities even in plug-in's and 3rd party libraries that does not come with source codes.
3. CII protection via data diode and new wave protocol breakers when firewall is deemed inadequate
4. Automatic VAPT, Anti DDOS, Physical DLP for Low Cost, Scalable & Continuous Security (CS)
5. Maritime Class Certified IT/OT Cyber Protection for off-shore vessels & on-shore ports & offices
6. New Wave GRC, TPRM and ITSM low-code platform for agile IT Ops & Sec Ops Management
7. Cold Scanning of PCs and Servers for Full Device Checking and/or Sanitization
8. “Digitally Invisible” Enterprises with full elimination of inbound port vulnerabilities to external
9. High Speed Digital Forensic & Incident Response (DFIR) in under 10 mins instead of days