Dedoco PTE LTD

Company UEN Number
Company Website
Geographical Markets Served
Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand
Industry Served
Financial Services and Insurance
ICT and Media
Professional Services
Public Sector
Real Estate
Trade Associations & Chamber
Solution Categorisation
Detect-Anomalies and Events
Identify-Risk Management
Protect-Information Protection & Procedures
Company Description
Founded in 2020 and headquartered in Singapore, Dedoco is a decentralised digital trust orchestration platform that provides customers across a range of sectors with trusted, verifiable, and connected documents and communications. As a next-generation enterprise software, Dedoco empowers businesses to embed trust in their brand, people and workflows, empowering government and enterprise to make digital trust their unfair advantageAs an industry-leading solution that is ISO 27001 certified and Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) accredited, Dedoco improves efficiency and compliance while empowering the user with a secure, tamper-proof solution. Powered by blockchain and AI technology, Dedoco seeks to transform the way organisations manage document workflows and digital communications in a safe and secure manner whilst maintaining the highest transaction integrityDedoco currently has offices in Singapore, Malayisa, Thailand and Australia
Product Description
What is Ping?
Ping is the first anti-scam verification solution to provide seamless assurances for customers across omni-channel communication
Why is it important?
Because protecting your stakeholders from scams is now every organizations’ concernHow does it work and what gap does it address?
Ping is the first platform that connects legitimate senders and valid recipients of communications through real-time verification technology. Powered and secured by blockchain and AI, Ping safeguards recipents by embedding within companies mobile app, providing seamless verfication of message content on the go without the need for third-party sites or toolsWith traditional security focused on protecting an organisations infrastructure, a recipient-focused tool to protect individuals from brand impersonation scams was not available. Ping is here to empower recipients to become part of the solution, by gaining the assurances they need prior to interacting with potentially malicious content