Ensign InfoSecurity ( Smarttech) Pte. Ltd

Company UEN Number
Company Website
Geographical Markets Served
China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Macao, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Singapore
Industry Served
Air Transport
Energy & Chemical
Financial Services and Insurance
ICT and Media
Land Transport (incl. Public Transport)
Marine & Offshore
Public Sector
Sea Transport
Solution Categorisation
Detect-Anomalies and Events
Detect-Security & Continuous Monitoring
Identify-Risk Assessment
Identify-Risk Management
Protect-Access Control
Protect-Awareness & Training
Protect-Data Security
Protect-Information Protection & Procedures
Recovery-Recovery Planning
Respond-Response Planning
Company Description
Ensign InfoSecurity is the largest pure-play end-to-end cybersecurity service provider in Asia. Headquartered in Singapore, Ensign offers bespoke solutions and services to address their clients’ cybersecurity needs. Their core competencies are in the provision of cybersecurity advisory and assurance services, architecture design and systems integration services, and managed security services for advanced threat detection, threat hunting, and incident response. Underpinning these competencies is in-house research and development in cybersecurity. Ensign has two decades of proven track record as a trusted and relevant service provider, serving clients from the public and private sectors in the Asia Pacific region.
Product Description
Ensign Consulting partners clients to enhance their cybersecurity capabilities.We cover adversarial emulation, cyber threat intel, threat hunting,executive cybersecurity advisory, as well as technology and operating model transformation.
Our Systems Integration team deploys comprehensive security strategies, build robust systems that guard companies from risks through competencies such as;access and identity, adaptive defence, advanced analytics, governance, risk & compliance, cloud and mobility security, OT and IoT Security, and SOC design and build.
Our MSS operate intel-driven SOC, enabling advanced threat detection and response, 24/7 monitoring, management and comprehensive support for persistent service information visibility.
Ensign Labs uses deep-learning algorithms, big data analytics platform capable of large scale and high-speed real-time ingestion and processing,to predict and identify evolving,malicious activities that evade detection by conventional Indicators of Compromise.