Evvo Labs Pte Ltd

Company UEN Number
Company Website
Geographical Markets Served
India, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam
Industry Served
Energy & Chemical
Financial Services and Insurance
ICT and Media
Land Transport (incl. Public Transport)
Non - Profit/Charity
Public Sector
Real Estate
Solution Categorisation
Detect-Anomalies and Events
Detect-Detection Processes
Detect-Security & Continuous Monitoring
Identify-Asset Management
Identify-Risk Assessment
Protect-Access Control
Protect-Awareness & Training
Protect-Data Security
Protect-Information Protection & Procedures
Company Description
Evvo Labs was incorporated on 09/08/2011, and it has been focused on cybersecurity, and IT consultancy since then.
Evvo Labs, has been serving the Singapore government's cybersecurity needs since 2014. Other than the government, it also serve the private sector such as FSI, logistics, Energy, Property, Hospitability, Education, non-profit organisation, and healthcare sector.
Our competitive edge is that we are offering enterprise grade solutions, with local analysts based in SG. With our track record of providing managed security services to the SG government, our team is able to delivery prompt analysis and timely SLA respond to attacks and potential threat vectors. We cover the end to end process from sales to post sales cycle for every engagement.
Product Description
In today’s landscape, there are 2 major gaps where we cover.
Lack of skilled analysts. We have a full team of analysts which covers 24/7 coverage from basic monitoring to incident response.
We also address the needs of the “middle layer” of the industry. Medium to large SMEs, who are much more price sensitive are our main audience with our competitive offerings and pricing, while offering full scale SOC services.