i-Sprint Innovations Pte Ltd

Company UEN Number
Company Website
Geographical Markets Served
China, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, United States of America, Vietnam
Industry Served
Data Centers
Financial Services and Insurance
ICT and Media
Professional Services
Public Sector
Solution Categorisation
Detect-Anomalies and Events
Detect-Detection Processes
Protect-Access Control
Protect-Data Security
Protect-Information Protection & Procedures
Company Description
i-Sprint Innovations (i-Sprint) established in the year 2000, is a leading provider in Securing Identity and Transactions in the Cyber World that enables individuals, organizations, and societies to build trust and identity assurance for powering productivity gain through digital identity and identity of things (IDoT).
An ISO27001 and ISO9001 certified company, committed to delivering qualified and secured management systems that meet the needs of our clients. i-Sprint’s clients include leading global and regional financial service institutions, government agencies, telecommunications, public utilities, manufacturing, healthcare, education, multi-national corporations, and others. Currently, i-Sprint has a direct presence and active authorized partners across Singapore (HQ), Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, United States, and Vietnam.
Product Description
i-Sprint’s unique brand of security products, intellectual properties, and patents are designed to exceed global financial services regulatory requirements. By incorporating the latest mobility/ biometrics/ cloud/ identification technologies, i-Sprint provides solutions that ensure secured access and protection of data, transactions, and assets. i-Sprint delivers a trusty, versatile, strong authentication and identity management platform to secure multiple application delivery environments based on a common security platform.
i-Sprint’s digital identity product offerings include adaptive authentication (biometrics, multifactor authentication, and more), single sign-on services, end-to-end encryption (E2EE) authentication, and data protection for transaction data and to secure access to the web, mobile, and cloud-based applications. i-Sprint’s IDoT product offerings provide new-gen anti-counterfeiting, track and trace, and interactive consumer engagement cloud services that help businesses build consumer trust, improve brand protection, personalize consumer engagement, and provide business intelligence.