Reperion Pte Ltd

Company UEN Number
Company Website
Geographical Markets Served
Bahrain, India, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam
Industry Served
Energy & Chemical
Sea Transport
Solution Categorisation
Detect-Detection Processes
Company Description
Reperion is a next generation security business that protects transportation assets across sea, land, and air from cyber attacks and critical infrastructure from drone attacks. Its mission is to protect people, assets, and the environment from harm, and companies from financial, reputational, and business continuity risks.
Reperion is a one-stop shop for curring edge operational resilience that provides simpler risk management, stronger defenses, and reduced vendor sprawl.
Product Description
Reperion is the only company to offer cybersecurity solutions for transportation assets across sea, land, and air. By correlating and cross-pollinating across segments, Reperion is building the most resilient cybersecurity platform for mobile operating assets.
In the counter-drone segement, Reperion offers a larger protection perimeter at a lower cost than traditional defense companies. Reperion is creating a new market with military-level solutions at commercial price points.