Company UEN Number
Company Website
Geographical Markets Served
Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam
Industry Served
Financial Services and Insurance
ICT and Media
Non - Profit/Charity
Solution Categorisation
Protect-Access Control
Protect-Awareness & Training
Protect-Data Security
Protect-Information Protection & Procedures
Company Description
MasterSAM was established in 2004 and acquired by Silverlake Group in 2015. Now Silverlake MasterSAM Pte Ltd is headquartered in Singapore, office in Malaysia, representative offices in Vietnam and India; and operational presence in Bangladesh; Cambodia; Indonesia; Nepal; Sri Lanka and Thailand. Banking & Financial Services and Insurance form more than 50% of our customers base.
Silverlake MasterSAM believes in listening to customer's needs and strive to address their problems as we believe nothing that beats the user's real experience. Many of our successful innovations are the result of our attentiveness our customers' quest for effective solutions to solve their IT security issues.
Our a Our deployment methodologies are flexible and can be implemented with minimal business disruption. Our committed local 24/7 support team would help to maintain and provide continual operation support.
Product Description
Silverlake MasterSAM, with insight from cybersecurity professionals - including compliance risk auditors to exchange ideas about best secuirty practices to help organization to adopt bes security practices in protecting the privileged access to their IT Infrastructures. We are committed to delivering the 4A principe - Authorize, Authenticate, Access and Audit to help organisation tto achieve the best practice in PAM.
Our PAM solution provides one of the most robust PAM solutions used to answer several compliance regulations like SOX, HIPPA, PCI-DSS and GLBA. MasterSAM solution offers 360 degree total surveillance, auto login technology and remote vendor access. Implementation of our solutions with no or minimal disruption, user training; cost reduction and prompt customer service from our local support team available 24/7.