Company UEN Number
Company Website
Geographical Markets Served
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
Industry Served
Data Centers
Financial Services and Insurance
ICT and Media
Land Transport (incl. Public Transport)
Marine & Offshore
Professional Services
Public Sector
Solution Categorisation
Detect-Anomalies and Events
Detect-Detection Processes
Detect-Security & Continuous Monitoring
Identify-Asset Management
Identify-Risk Management
Protect-Awareness & Training
Protect-Information Protection & Procedures
Recovery-Recovery Planning
Respond-Response Planning
Company Description
1.Incorporation Date : 03 DEC 2012
2.Techdirect operates out of 3 main office hubs in Singapore, Thailand and Philippines. Having a multinational staff allows us to smoothly handle cross-country IT problem-solving and project dispatch within our organisation.
3. Techdirect is a cybersecurity managed service provider, and we go to market with zero trust security architecture in mind. To date, we have served more than 480 corporations from our Asean hubs in Singapore, Thailand and Philippines, giving us the visibility and knowledge of some of the common painpoints that customer faces in their environment.
Product Description
Techdirect help companies to manage costs & compliance with IT automation and cybersecurity solutions, in order to support global companies to scale their complex IT environments with lean teams. With a projected global shortage of more than 85 million tech workers by 2030, it is become incredibly challenging to staff and maintain a robust IT team that meets the demands of the modern digital landscape. We assist customers to address today's IT challenges head-on, in the fields of rising cybersecurity attacks, compliance requirements, expanding IT environments, transition from traditional security to zero trust architecture, and reducing IT teams.