M.Tech Products Pte Ltd

Company UEN Number
Company Website
Geographical Markets Served
Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, United Kingdom, Vietnam
Industry Served
Solution Categorisation
Detect-Anomalies and Events
Detect-Detection Processes
Detect-Security & Continuous Monitoring
Identify-Asset Management
Identify-Business Environment
Identify-Risk Assessment
Identify-Risk Management
Protect-Access Control
Protect-Awareness & Training
Protect-Data Security
Protect-Information Protection & Procedures
Recovery-Recovery Planning
Respond-Response Planning
Company Description
M.Tech is a leading cyber security and network performance solutions provider. Established in May 2002, M.Tech is headquartered in Singapore and has a network of 28 offices in 15 countries - Singapore, Australia, China (including Hong Kong and Taiwan) , New Zealand , Philippines, Sri Lanka , Thailand, United Kingdom , Vietnam, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia , Myanmar.
In additional M.Tech Technical Services provide you with a comprehensive service that covers from pre-sales to post-sales with wide-ranging technology expertise in cybersecurity and network performance solutions. With our team of certified engineers who are experienced in various solutions and domains, you can be assured that your objectives in each stage of the solution life cycle will be met.
Our professional services teams provide technical services that include installation, implementation, migration and commissioning of cybersecurity and network performance solutions.
Product Description
Our vision is to be the preferred, best-of-breed cyber security and network performance solutions provider for integrated and intelligent end-to-end security management of the internet, systems and applications infrastructure.
M.Tech selectively partners with market-leading vendors who are established in their respective domains. Together, we cover a broad spectrum of today’s cyber security and network performance requirements – from cloud access security, advanced threat prevention and data-centric security to network system management, monitoring and optimization. We ensure our resellers receive constant support through on-site sales, marketing and technical support.
Our technology consultants are able to present to you if a solution is right for you through product demonstration, proof-of-concept and proof-of-value engagement.